It is with great admiration, gratitude, and a little sorrow that we say goodbye to Dr Ron Tooth, our founding principal here at PEEC. His leadership has inspired many PEEC teachers, hundreds of visiting teachers, and thousands of students over the 40 years he has been PEEC's custodian! We will miss him greatly, and we acknowledge that we will continue to benefit from his expertise in a deep ongoing way. We wish him all the best for his well-deserved retirement.
We also take this opportunity to celebrate our new principal Alicia Laidlaw, who has taught and acted in leadership positions at PEEC over the last 12+ years. We look forward to continuing to grow in our areas of expertise together - building nature connection through story and attentiveness with all of our many visitors every year!
(Image is of Dr Ron Tooth at the congratulatory event upon receiving the Showcase Awards in Excellence for schools, Jack Pizzey award for Excellence in School Leadership (Regional) earlier this year).