Our Vision
At PEEC we aim to grow curious Connected Learners with a strong sense of their own wellbeing, agency and voice in the world. We aim to support Connected Teachers to grow Connected Learners.
Our Purpose
We are passionately committed to inspiring and cultivating our learners’ deep connection to nature through our unique Place Responsive Pedagogy as we ignite imaginations with story and play and encourage wonder and awe by slowing down and paying attention. Our vision of 'Connected Teachers Growing Connected Learners' represents our mission to support the growth of our visiting Connected Learners as they gain a strong sense of their own identity, wellbeing, agency and voice in the world.
Connected Learners ‘in nature’ as part of a vibrant learning community develop 6 key attributes:
- Attentiveness and Mindfulness
- Emotional Connection
- Knowledge and Understanding
- Respect and Care
- Thinking and Reflection
- Agency and Action
'Place’ is always our starting point and our inspiration. For us ‘place’ can mean a blade of grass, a tree, garden, school ground, park, local creek, remnant forest, right through to wilderness, anywhere in fact where natural systems exist.
Our Culture

The PEEC team takes great pride in the Centre’s history, relationships and the work we undertake as a nature-connected team. Together, we share this place and our Storythread programs and Place Responsive Workshops with a diverse range of learners who we encourage to ‘come as they are’, deliberately cultivating a safe and inclusive environment which honours all who connect with us. Our culture is one of continuous improvement and reflection, passion for our work and purpose, generosity
of spirit and service, and deep gratitude and respect for First Nations’ Wisdom.Ethic of Care
Our programs are designed to help your students understand and value themselves, others and the places around them so they can live more respectful, sustainable and connected lives. To grow this vision we have created a simple values statement that we call the nesting model.
Speak and Act with Respect Towards Self, Others and Place
The Nesting Model is drawn from ‘systems theory’ and is used at Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre (PEEC) to talk about the deep connection that exist between self, others and place.
The Nesting Model… provided a concrete image or symbolic reference point – a ‘nest’ where individuals felt valued, protected and safe.
–Bereznicki, Brown, Toomey and Weston, 2008, p.88
Our Values
Kindness and Respect
We believe that Kindness and empathy is respect enacted and forms the basis of positive relationships within and beyond our Centre. We embrace, celebrate and support diversity, and we are deeply respectful of First Nations' wisdom.
Connection and Collaboration
We understand the importance and profound benefit of connecting authentically to ourselves, others and our place. We collaborate skilfully, energetically and creatively as a team and with our visiting educators.
We value honesty and transparency in our work and relationships. We are committed and professional in our conduct, and take ownership of our commitment and actions.
Play and Innovation
Our values of Kindness, Respect, Integrity, Connection and Reflection create a safe environment to 'play' and innovate as we consider new possibilities: "What if?"; "If... then?"
Reflection and Celebration
We prioritise 'time' to reflect upon our practice and grow. We celebrate our triumphs and never stop learning.