On 22 June, in partnership with Aunty Merle Cashman and the Department of Education's Metro ECEC team, PEEC hosted the first Walking on Country day for kindergarten students in the Tulmur region. 85 Kindergarten children attended with their centre's staff from 5 Tulmur region kindies and were treated to a nature-connected day of activities centred around some of their favourite native animals. Uncle Joe Kirk (Wakka Wakka elder) began the day with a smoking ceremony and sharing some of his Dinnawan (emu) story. He then ran Earth Walk sessions in the PEEC 'backyard', while Brisbane City Council's First Five Forever library team held story, music and movement sessions in Laidley Theatre and PEEC teachers ran 'native footprint' art sessions under the Welcome Tree and nature connection through deep listening sessions in the backyard top terrace. A big thank you to Aunty Merle and Kate and Ash from the ECEC team who made it all possible and helped to organise this very successful day welcoming so many children and adults into the centre to grow our nature connection together.
PEEC hopes to hold this day annually, although the date offered will vary. To find out more and/or express interest in your Early Childhood Education Centre attending the program, please contact the ECEC team on metrocity.ecec@qed.qld.gov.au