Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre staff, our ARD Rob Mills, and Principals from our local and partnership schools gathered together at PEEC for a very special afternoon as Aunty Peggy unveiled her beautiful and incredibly meaningful artwork Sacred Country.
Commissioned by our Founding Principal, Dr Ron Tooth (now retired), this artwork is a culmination of a very important relationship PEEC has shared with Aunty Peggy for a decade, and has included the sharing of cultural knowledge and a deep respect for First Nations’ wisdom and history.
Incredibly, Aunty Peggy has interwoven natural landmarks significant to our Centre’s past, present and future, and embedded our values and way of working in an exquisite and vibrant dot painting inspired by her Aboriginal background and her relationship with the environment. An indication of the wisdom and care taken to create this piece is expressed in this extract from Aunty Peggy’s Artist Statement:
The two large circles represent the learning link between the Pullenvale and Karawatha Forest by the dotted lines – by songlines from long ago. This artwork also acknowledges the significant role of environmental educators to pass on their knowledge and skills to young people to continue to ‘care for country’ and protect the environmental legacy as their inheritance.
Thank you for your insight and generosity, Aunty Peggy. We are so fortunate that you are part of our PEEC community!