A Storythread experience for Grade 7
Blanket Role – Water Trackers
Water Trackers deeply inquire into what water means to them and take action to inspire others to value water as a precious resource that needs to be cared for and conserved for the future.
Through the Meaning of Water Storythread, year 7 students are invited to consider what water means to them as individuals, as members of a community, and as current and future contributors to the sustainable use of this country's water resources.
This program was created in consultation with SEQ water and with Aboriginal Elders who have deep connections to Euogerra (one of Enoggera Reservoir's original names). The Cross Curriculum Priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture is deeply embedded in the culminating excursion day, which takes place at Enoggera Reservoir. Students spend the day with PEEC teachers there, bush-walking, practicing Dadirri, discussing and reflecting on the concept of 'water as life', and what this means for their current and future actions as members of a community moving towards greater water-wise sustainability.
This program is offered in term 2 and 3, subject to teacher availability. It takes place at the Enoggera Reservoir and involves approximately 5.5km of walking around the reservoir. Buses are required to drop students off at the Gap Park 'n' Ride by 9am, and pick students up from the Walkabout Creek Discovery Centre carpark at 2pm.
To express interest in your year 7 class(es) attending The Meaning of Water,
please email the PEEC bookings team.